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Hardly a day goes by without a discussion about investment deals, property, finance or a major legislative changes in some jurisdictions in the country. This section of the website brings you news and insights about investment from Australia. We will also share with you relevant facts, analysis and legislative changes in Australia to keep you informed and updated.

ASIC puts directors, lead managers and corporate advisers of mining and exploration companies on notice

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The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has put directors, lead managers and corporate advisers of mining and exploration companies on notice of concerns regarding the multi-faceted role that lead managers and other promoters may play in the IPO process.

The mining and exploration industry represents over 25% of all ASX-listed entities. It accounted for more than 35% of all initial public offers (IPOs) during 2018 and, as at 1 August 2019, had a combined market capitalisation of over A$300 billion. Drawing upon their compulsory information-gathering powers, ASIC undertook a detailed review of a “sample” of 17 mining IPOs, occurring between 1 October 2016 and 30 September 2018, focusing on transactions raising less than A$20 million.

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Luis De Sousa
BUYER BROKER | Entreprenuer

Mobile : +61 413 883 299

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